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Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Handful of Favorite Trout Streamers

Here are few patterns we love that get the job done:

Sheila Sculpin
Deadly looking in the water.
We hope this fly isn't named after the tyer's significant other. Because if that's the case, Sheila is one rude specimen! Fall in love with the clouser-style eyes, the variegated rabbit strip body and the sparse hackling, and hope this one doesn't break your heart after you hook up.

Dolly Llama
Great smolt imitation.
Known simply as the "llama", this pattern is indispensable. It takes Yakima cutthroat, Lone Lake rainbows and Skagit bull trout with cruel indifference. Articulated with a conehead, it doesn't get much better than the Llama. Try it in black and white, olive and white or pink and tan.

A more natural-looking variant on the Llama, this fly is workhorse on the Yakima. Maybe it's the little red eyes that scream,"Eat me!" Try it small (8) and olive; we've also got big (4) and black.

Zoo Cougar
Kelly Galloup's little yellow fly has put a lot of fish on the bank over the years. Spun yellow deer hair offers a bit of floatation and creates a diving motion when stripped with a sinking line.

Fish them methodically, go for the grab and stick a fish!

Our lake and streamer selection is always changing.  
Stop by or call us to order our northwest favorites. 
(206) 362-4030,